Russian song "On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia"/По диким степям Забайкалья

My favorite song "On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia" in the performance of Chorus Nikolai Kutuzov. The video uses 100-year COLORED photographs of the photographer-chemist-inventor S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky and modern photos. On the shore of Lake Baikal is a monument to the Rogue, who escaped from prison from a gold mine, and the text of this beautiful song is stamped in marble. В видео использованы 100-летние фотографии фотографа-химика-изобретателя С. М. Прокудина-Горского и современных фотографии. Текст песни и герой песни увековечен на берегу Байкала! Это одно из лучших исполнений! Музыка : "По диким степям Забайкалья, исп. Хор Николая Кутузова On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia : On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia, Where people dig for gold in the mountains, A vagrant, bemoaning his fate, Is wandering with a bag on his back. 2 He walks through the thick taiga, Where only a few birds sing, He carries a tin can on his side, His feet are strapped in dry skins. 3 He wears a worn-out shirt And a lot of different patches. The cap on his head is a convict’s cap And he wears a grey convict’s uniform. 4 He escaped from prison during a dark night Where he was imprisoned for defending the truth. But he could not go any further In front of him was Lake Baikal. 5 The vagrant walks to the shore And climbs in to a fisherman's boat. He starts to sing a sad song Telling something about his native land. 6 "I left my wife when she was young And left her with my small children, Now I wander aimlessly, God knows, whether I shall meet her again!" 7 He crosses the lake, His mother comes to meet him. ”O my dear mother let me embrace you, Are my father and my brother well?” 8 "Your father has been dead for a long time; He now rests in the damp earth. And your brother is serving his sentence, Wearing chains, somewhere in Siberia." 9 "Let's go, let’s go, my son, Let's go home to our house, Where your wife misses her husband, And all your little children are crying."

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