"Чи не той то хміль?" - пісня про Богдана Хмельницького | folk song about hetman Bohdan Khmelnitskyi

Народна пісня "Чи не той то хміль?" зберігає пам'ять про події Української Національної Революції - Національно-визвольної війни 1648-1657 років під проводом Богдана Хмельницького. "Золотий брід", згаданий у пісні - це Жовті Води - місце першої переможної битви козацького війська під проводом Хмельницького. The song is about Ukrainian National Revolution in 1648-1657, when Cossack army, lead by Bohdan Khmelnitskyi, uprise against Poland. Hetman of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnitskyi - one of the greatest persons in ukrainian history, not only great national hero, but "father" of ukrainian nation - he is main character of the song. Song tell about first victorious battle of cossacks against polish army - near Zhovti Vody (literally "Yellow" or "Golden Waters"). English translation: Is it the hop that winds along the fence? This is Khmelnytsky who is fighting against the Poles! Is it that hop that is in a beer? This is Khmelnytsky, who chop Poles with a saber! Hey! Khmelnytsky went to the Golden ford! Hey! Many dead Polish lords are lying with head in the water! Khmelnytsky, don't drink from Golden waters, Army of 40 000 Poles come here! "I'm not afraid of Poles and I don't even think about it! Because I have a huge army! And Tatar horde also support me, This is all for your trouble, Polish enemies!" The enemy lords fled and lost their fur coats, Many Polish lords lie dead, showing their teeth. Polish lords built their big oak houses [in Ukraine], Their children now should run away to Poland. Important details to understand sense of the song: 1)Hop in Ukrainian sounds like "Khmil' " or "Khmel' ". "Khmel' " is also short version of "Khmelnytsky". Cossacks often called Bohdan Khmelnytsky "hetman Khmel' " or even "father Khmel' ". 2) Yellow or Golden waters (or ford) - "Zhovti Vody" in Ukrainian - is a place of first victorious battle of Cossack Army against Poland. 3) At the begining of the war Crimean Khanate (Crimean tatars state) was ally of Cossack Ukraine, their army supported them in battles. That's why "tatars horde" mentioned in the song.

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