Сыр Халуми рецепт+ два вида жареного Халуми Cheese Halumi recipe + two kinds of fried Нalumi

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Ингридиенты : Молоко 6 л. сухая мезофильная закваска для сыров без глазков 1/8 ч.л. жидкий сычужный фермент (телячий) ½ ч.л.растворить в 50мл воды температуры 30-35ºС или сычужный фермент в другой форме, в дозировке, согласно указаниям на упаковке хлорид кальция, раствор 10% 8мл. растворить в 50мл воды комнатной температуры . Cheese Halloumi is a wonderful memory of a warm summer spent on the island of Cyprus, on the Mediterranean coast. It is a white fresh boiled cheese, which can be fried on the grill: the crust is beautifully caramelized, becomes crispy, and the cheese does not melt, but remains elastic. In addition, ready Halloumi can be conveniently stored in a freezer for a fairly long time. Sometimes in Halloumi add a little dried mint - it adds extra freshness and flavor to the taste of this wonderful cheese. Halloumi can not only be fried - this cheese is good and itself, poured with lemon juice. Cypriots often combine Halloumi with watermelon (the brackish taste of cheese favorably tastes the taste of watermelon), honey and sesame, and also with tomatoes. Very delicious is also fried Halloumi with garlic and sesame, as well as shish kebab from Halloumi with vegetables. In general, the options for using and preparing this cheese are just a mass, everyone will find one that is to his liking. The process of making Halloumi is not at all complicated, but quite interesting. The ability of Halumi to fry is achieved due to the rather high melting point. Such properties are provided by a low level of acidity of cheese (high pH), since during its preparation, traditionally no additional crops are introduced into the cheese. Let's try to cook delicious Halloumi on our own. Ingredients: Milk 6 liters. dry mesophilic starter for cheese without ocelli 1/8 tsp. liquid rennet (veal) ½ teaspoon dissolve in 50ml of water at 30-35ºС temperature or rennet enzyme in another form, in dosage, according to the directions on the package calcium chloride, solution of 10% 8ml. dissolve in 50ml of water at room temperature.

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