Царски Кинопреглед 125 - Художествената галерия, Япония, Погребението на Списаревски (1944)

Видеото е собственост на Българската национална филмотека. Използвано е изцяло с образователни цели. I. State Gallery, Sofia. Opening of 17th art exhibition, organized by the Artists' Union of Bulgaria. Rayko Aleksiev, president of the union, holds a speech. Minister of Education Boris Yotsov speaks. // II. Japan. Children playing soldiers - they shoot a cannon, battle with wooden planes and tanks. // III. Sofia. State printing office. Consecration of a memorial plaque of the workers and employers who fell in the wars. Military unit in front of the building in a moment of silence. Laying wreaths in front of the plaque. // IV. Sofia. Opening of a Hungarian Scientific Institute at Sofia University. Boris Yotsov, Minister of Education, speaks. Hungarian Minister Plenipotentiary Michel Arnotti speaks. V. Sofia. Officers. War Minister Gen. Rusi Rusev is present. Presentation of diplomas and awards. The new officers parade in the school yard. // VI. Sofia. Funeral of Captain Dimitar Spisarevski and Lieutenant Georgi Kyumyurdzhiev, who died in an air battle with British pilots. Mourning procession in the streets of Sofia. Relatives of the dead. Laying wreaths. A plane flies over   / predisled  

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