На Женския пазар в София.Почивка в Созопол,1964/At the Women's Market,Sofia. Holiday in Sozopol,1964

Любителски филм от България /Home movie from Bulgaria Ref no: S(C)-N1 Предлагаме безплатна дигитализация срещу дарение на 8 и С8мм.За повече информация посвтете сайта ни kinoclubsuper8.com или ни пишете на kinoclub.super8@gmail.com. CHAPTERS: Intro (0:00) Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia (0:02) Visiting the home of Bulgarian friends in Sofia (0:23) A family at a village (1:18) Greetings (1:33) А family in the yard in front of the family cottage (1:50) A lady shows a picture to a guest (1:52) Two ladies young and old sitting next to a table (1:56) View of the Women's market in Sofia, a square with a train (2:15) A square (2:18) Pastry shop (2:20) People with flowers (2:23) A man buying flowers from an old flower seller (2:27) A pastry shop (2:37) A street with a pharmacy (2:42) Fruit and vegetable sellers at the Women's Market in Sofia (2:47) А man holding a turkey and a bag of vegetables pays a saleswoman (2:58) A flower seller bows to greet a buyer (3:08) Along Maria Luisa Boulevard in Sofia, views from the windshield of a car. Central Mosque of Sofia - Banya Bashi Mosque (3:11) Sofia's Central Market Hall (3:18) The party house in Sofia (3:29) A traffic controller on Sofia Boulevard (3:33) А car with an open trunk in front of a metropolitan cooperative. A family man prepares for a trip (3:49) A street in the Black sea town of Sozopol (4:36) А View of houses in Sozopol (4:50) А man carries a woman in his arms into the sea (5:05) А lady dancing on the beach (5:20) Мan on the rocks of the sea (6:19) A view to a island with a tiny house (6:37) А family rests in the yard of a country house (6:48) A family on a rocky shore (6:58) A man swims in the sea (7:19) A lady sitting on the rocks (8:53) A family at a restaurant in Sozopol with a view to the Black sea (9:00) A family in front of a car. A man salutes and gives hats to his ladies (9:53) Coastal restaurant (10:06) А man takes a shower at the yard of a country house (10:51) Horse drawn carriage (11:05) A lady with a child on the rocks of the Black sea. A boat at the background (11:11) Architectural monument in the Black sea town of Nesebar (11:32) А souvenir shop (11:45) Church of Christ Pantocrator in Nesebar (11:54) A view to the shore with boats (12:04) A lady next to a boat (12:34) A park (12:37) A family at a restaurant (13:09) А view to a hotel (13:15) A walk in a park in Sozopol (13:24) An old house in Sozopol (13:55) Fishing houses (14:07) Fisherman with nets (14:36) St. Zosim Church in Sozopol (15:05) At a beach in Sozopol (15:15) A barbecue in the yard of a house (15:37) A shore (16:18) A family prepares to leave with the family Škoda (17:03) A street in Sozopol with a view to the sea (17:19) A family leaves with the Škoda (17:30) A man skins a lamb (17:42) A family picture on the shore of the sea (17:45) A view to the Black sea from the shore in Sozopol (18:13) A view to a hotels park ( 19:45) A view to the beach (21:06) A view to a Hotel (21:29) #filmisnotdead #kodak #orwo #homemovie #homemovies #bulgaria #documentaryfilm #archive #vintagefilm #super8film #foundfootage #nostalgia #Sofia #downtown #streets #Woman's #market #sellers #vegetables #fruits #flowers #village #train #square #blacksea #Sozopol #beach #shore #houses #fisherman #churches #Nesebar #park #hotels # sunglasses #friendship #dances #kiss #love

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