Tobal 2 Duckstation Netplay - Arc (Chuji) vs Bap (Mary)

Tobal 2 is really fun. There's just something really fun about the system where I know there's enough error imposed on back stepping that it makes being aggressive really fun. Netplay definitely has a different feel for timings and it makes performing just frames harder if visual timing skips just a hair. The other thing is that I definitely had that human element of just choking/pressing the wrong buttons. I did feel happy that my hunch was right about using G+K to finish juggles. Just the safest option and the least pressure. I do want to try to hit some of the stuff I missed, but this was my first set since last time and impromptu at that. No mic since it was around 1:00am, though I think not having the mic on definitely helped both sides with focus. Bap has this way of turning it up, and I tried to get a feel for his modes better. At the very end on the 10th match I thought it was funny that we both just went full disrespect/aggression. There were many neat moments of "doing the same thing" that I always like in fighters.

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