JoLang Реакция на песню "Безымянная Высота" в память о наших Героях

Hello, JoLang is here again and today i want to introduce you to the song “Nameless Height” of the Russian music project "Music together" It's just the right weather at home to listen to uplifting music to improve my mood and caress my soul. The performers can adapt their voices to the emotional situation at any time and radiate a flowing wave, it seems very inspired and colorful, balanced and fulfilling at the same time. They succeed in creating a depth connection to history and their heroes and at the same time creating something completely new. It is unimaginable what suffering these heroes of then and now have to endure, nearby an unfamiliar village, at an unnamed height. But we only became stronger friends, we only became stronger friends! Let's hug and love each other and watch this significant song. From the very beginning, the performance is infused with a level of passion and energy that sweeps the listener away and arouses their curiosity. The perfect singers und musicians that brings a unique tonal charm with it, which emphasize the elegance and grace of the melody even more. Thank you, that you have listened to this meaningful song with me, and thanks again to all who commented on my posts. By, By, see you soon, JoLang #johann_langgartner #jolang_aut The song “At a Nameless Height” was written by the poet Mikhail Matusovsky and composer Veniamin Basner in the 60s of the twentieth century. Producer, sound engineer - Timur Vedernikov Director, cameraman - Dmitry Burlakov Installation and color correction – BURY PRODUCTION Cameraman, copter - Evgeniy Goryachkin Cameramen - Sergey Shulga, Artyom Orlov. Engineer - Grigory Gornostaev Creative producer Andrey Polosin Director - Vsevolod Kramarev Administrator - Victor Lankin Primary arrangement - Alexander Pozdnyakov Песня "На безымянной высоте" была написана поэтом Михаил Матусовским и композитором Вениамином Баснером в 60-е годы ХХ века. Продюсер, звукорежиссёр - Тимур Ведерников Режиссёр, оператор - Дмитрий Бурлаков Монтаж и цветокоррекция – BURЫЙ PRODUCTION Оператор, коптер - Евгений Горячкин Операторы - Сергей Шульга, Артём Орлов. Инженер - Григорий Горностаев Креативный продюсер Андрей Полосин Директор - Всеволод Крамарев Администратор - Виктор Ланкин Первичная аранжировка - Александр Поздняков ▬ Video from channel: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #МУЗЫКАВМЕСТЕ    / @musikavmeste   ▬ Original Video: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬    • "Безымянная Высота".  Поёт Калужская ...   ▬ Recommended Channel: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Timur Vedernikov    / @timurvedernikov  

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