Tero beats SNES F1 ROC 2 Race of Champions Part 1

Part 1 of a playthrough of F1 ROC 2 Race of Champions for the SNES, done on official hardware. Parts 1-4 cover the Class C league. Playlist start at:    • Tero beats SNES F1 ROC 2 Race of Cham...   Visit my website at
for more of my videos. People who've been following the Gab About Games series (which is probably no one) recently found out that I'm not the biggest fan of SNES F-Zero. The main reason is that I feel it was drastically bettered by this game. F1 ROC 2 is a mode 7 racer with a lot of similarities to F-Zero, except it controls better, has more tracks, and you can upgrade your car. Interestingly, it also progressives from more futuristic cars to less furturistic ones, but that doesn't have a ton of effect on gameplay. The beginning of the game as displayed here is pretty straightfoward. The courses are short and have few laps, so pitting is not an issue. Things will get a lot more complex as soon as Class C is completed. "I don't have enough money to develop it! I need more cash!"

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