袙小袝 孝校孝 - 聽聽聽鈥⒙犘愋熜樞毿÷犘熜犘炐溞灺燚ART聽+30%聽协袧袛袞袨袡孝袝聽聽 袙小袝 孝校孝 - 聽聽聽鈥⒙犘愋熜樞毿÷犘熜犘炐溞灺燚ART聽+30%聽协袧袛袞袨袡孝袝聽聽 袙小袝 孝校孝 - 聽聽聽鈥⒙犘愋熜樞毿÷犘熜犘炐溞灺燚ART聽+30%聽协袧袛袞袨袡孝袝聽聽 袦芯褢 胁懈写械芯 薪械 薪邪褉褍褕邪械褌 锌褉邪胁懈谢邪 懈 锌褉懈薪褑懈锌褘 褋芯芯斜褖械褋褌胁邪 YouTube. 袨薪芯 褋芯蟹写邪薪芯 胁 芯斜褉邪蟹芯胁邪褌械谢褜薪褘褏 懈 褉邪蟹胁谢械泻邪褌械谢褜薪褘褏 褑械谢褟褏 懈 薪械 懈屑械械褌 褑械谢懈 锌械褉械薪邪锌褉邪胁懈褌褜 蟹褉懈褌械谢褟 薪邪 写褉褍谐芯泄 褉械褋褍褉褋, 褔褌芯 懈 褍泻邪蟹邪薪芯 胁 芯锌懈褋邪薪懈懈 懈 芯蟹胁褍褔懈胁邪械褌褋褟 邪胁褌芯褉芯屑 薪邪 锌褉芯褌褟卸械薪懈懈 胁褋械谐芯 胁懈写械芯. My video does not violate the rules and principles of the YouTube community. It was created for educational and entertainment purposes and has no purpose to redirect the viewer to another resource, which is indicated in the description and voiced by the author 馃捀 袩袨袛袧携袥小携 袩袨 孝袗袣孝袠袣袝 袘袝袟 袪袠小袣袗 小 袪校袘袥携 袛袨 20.000 袧袗 UP-X | 孝袗袣孝袠袣袗 袗袩 袠袣小 | UP-X