ИНТЕРЕСНЫЙ ТОП-5 процессов во ВЬЕТНАМЕ, которые вы могли пропустить.

0:00 - Process of producing ELECTRIC ALTERNATORS. Amazing skills of VIETNAMESE workers. 16:34 - Process of making HAIR WIGS. A factory in VIETNAM hand sews 10,000 hair strands for a wig. 34:23 - Process of making the MOST COMFORTABLE MATTRESS by a VIETNAM company. 48:53 - LEATHER SHOES Expert! Process of making HIGH-END shoes by VIETNAMESE Skillful workers. 1:15:34 - JAPANESE company produces the BEST ladders in VIETNAM. Process of mass producing aluminum ladders. 💌 Contact: allprocessofvietnam@gmail.com 📸 Copyright(C) 2024. ProcessV. All rights reserved.

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