Longplay of Super Monkey Ball Adventure, played as the NTSC version on the GameCube. This game's version was released on Aug. 1st, 2006. Tell us what you think by leaving a comment down below! 0:00:00 - Start 0:01:22 - Jungle Island (1/3) 0:54:34 - Zootopia (1/3) 1:54:59 - Moonhaven 2:54:45 - Zootopia (2/3) 3:13:08 - Monkitropolis (1/2) 3:52:48 - Kongri-la (1/2) 4:02:38 - Zootopia (3/3) 4:06:00 - Jungle Island (2/3) 4:12:30 - Monkitropolis (passing through) 4:14:20 - Kongri-la (2/2) 4:40:50 - Monkitropolis (2/2) 4:47:12 - Jungle Island (3/3) 4:51:44 - Ending Mini-games 4:53:55 - Racing 4:55:39 - Target 4:57:35 - Boxing 4:59:38 - Bounce 5:01:28 - Cannon 5:03:42 - Tag