Steel Battalion: Line of Contact - All VT Startup Sequences

All of your favorite VT startups in one location, in the best possible quality. In order: 1st Gen Standards - 0:17 - 1:12 1st Gen Supports - 1:13 - 2:03 2nd Gen Standards - 2:05 - 2:47 2nd Gen Supports - 2:48 - 3:28 2nd Gen Jaralaccs - 3:31 - 4:17 3rd Gens (All) - 4:19 - 5:05 (Note: I didn't do literally every single VT for the manufacturer name, so just imagine 'Lycoming DS' is 'Oktaeder' etc.) If you're looking for people to play Line of Contact with, they can be found here: https//discordgg/U9ZchGda

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