Oh boy. Another Longplay. Isn't it sad that THIS one is actually alot more SHORTER than the last one? Ever wonder what Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing would be like on the PS2 if the A.I. DID work, had a few more tracks and vehicles... and was full on anime? WELL THIS IS IT. Presenting Dirt Track Devils, the Big Rigs of the PS2. Included are drive-throughable trees and signs, the ONLY time trial race in the game, 2 modes that are basically useless as they have the same tracks, and A+ Graded Jump Physics! Incase your wondering, the car i'm driving IS the "1ST PLACE" car. Every other car in this game is the "2ND PLACE" car as you can try as hard as you want, you will never beat this car and will always get 2nd. Doesn't matter anyway, since you don't get anything for beating the game except credits. I'll first show you the menu, because there's really nothing else with it, then i show you the only Time Trial in the game, which if you beat the time, rewards you absolutely nothing. Then the main game. Watch the map, the shit that goes on with the car, the track itself and how you'll be doing the same track TWICE. Also check the time, as you'll have to suck pretty bad at the tracks to drive the track in 3 laps for 2 MINUTES. This game was published by Midas and D3Publisher. This game was developed by Vingt-et-un Systems. THQ's name is also on the back of the cover of the PS2 case for this game... for some reason.

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