Простые Советы и Лайфхаки по Рисованию и Живописи, Которые Действительно Работают ▶2

Everybody has a different artistic journey, but the most important step is starting. We know that can be overwhelming sometimes, so here we bring you some help. Watch this art tips and hacks review and tell us what you think. Enjoy! Check Out These Amazing Artists: ENRIKA NARVILAITE AKA Instagram:   / trvncat   Tiktok:  / trvncat   HELGA - HOUSEHOLD SURREALISM Instagram:   / helga.stentzel   FABIO ROMANO Instagram:   / sir.pino   Tiktok:  / sir.pino   Youtube:   / @sirpinodibujos   Web:
ALEX PICKERING Instagram:   / thegripsion   Tiktok:  / alexpickering   Youtube:   / @alexpickering6018   SAM BARAJAS Instagram:   / sambarajasart   Youtube:    / @sambarajasart6920   Tiktok:   / sambarajas8   Email: sambarajas_99@outlook.com ARAM NABEEL Instagram:   / aram.nabeel   Youtube:    / @aram.nabeel   Tiktok:   / aram.nabeel   Email: artwork.coo@gmail.com SHELLY CLOUDS Instagram:   / shellyclouds   Tiktok:  / shellyclouds   Shop:
MARK LIAM SMITH Instagram:   / markliamsmith   Tiktok:  / markliamsmith   Youtube:   / @markliamsmith   Facebook:  / markliamsmith   Other:
张艺帆 Instagram:   / dy_yifanzhang   Tiktok:   / dyzyf001   Douyin:
Douyin ID: 186435434 JORDYN SHEN Instagram:   / thetofucat   Tiktok:  / thetofucat   Shop:
THE ARTIFACT FACTORY Instagram:   / thearticraftfactory   Youtube:    / Канал   Email: thearticraftfactory@gmail.com SAMER MELHEM Instagram:   / samer_mel   Tiktok:   / samermel   Shop:
ALEXANDER SEMKO Instagram:   / semkodraw   Tiktok:  / semkodraw   Youtube:   / @frozenbunn922   Other:  / draww.easy   CAROL Instagram:   / carolssart   Tiktok:  / carolssart   LEAD PENCIL Instagram:   / ldpncl   Tiktok:  / leadpencil   Youtube:   / sbn128   Web:
АЛИСА ПЕРВУХИНА Instagram:   / alisaworkshop   Email: alisarusinova@gmail.com HANNAH STELTER - DESIGNED BY HANNAH Instagram:   / designed.by.hannah   Tiktok:   / hannahstelter2   Shop:
Email: hstelterart@gmail.com Other: linktr.ee/designed.by.hannah Submit your art video to get featured on our channel at: submit@quantasticmedia.com

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