PC Longplay [505] Star Trek: Judgment Rites

Played by: Mad-Matt Sequel to the 25th Anniversary game. The limited collectors cd edition is being played, although it probably doesn't make a difference to the actual gameplay. This game has much more dialogue than the previous game. So much so that the game length is doubled even though it has a similar number of missions. The missions themselves are not really longer, but when listening to what everyone has to say, it makes it a much longer game. Pretty much everything has to be scanned as well if going for 100%. There are certainly a few opportunities to do some missions a slightly different way which can sometimes affect the score. Mission 5 was a real chore going through all the various dialogue with the crystals, but it had to be done as some part of it was required to get 100%, I just didn't know what ;) I have achieved 100% in all the missions, and against my better judgement I even played the combat scenes on hard. All the original actors were called in once again to provide their voices to the game but due to budget cuts we seemed to have lost the official/cannon bridge and transporter sounds among others. Certainly the bridge sounds seemt o get more and more bugged as the game progresses. Scotty and McCoy sound a little odd as though someone else was reading there lines for some missions. (Not confirmed, just what it sounds like to me) 00:00:00 Intro + Mission1: Federation 00:38:12 Mission 2: Sentinel 01:15:34 Mission 3: No Man's Land 02:25:18 Mission 4: Light and Darkness 03:10:25 Mission 5: Voids 04:03:25 Mission 6: Museum Piece 04:49:06 Mission 7: Through This be Madness... 06:12:22 Mission 8: .....yet their is Method in it. - Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!

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