УЛЕЙ "ВЕЛИКОРУСЬКИЙ"™ Часть 1. Beekeepers Honeybees Beehives ミツバチ

  / bee-honey-health-183684882190923   beehive.ua@gmail.com BEEHIVE ADVANTAGES: / ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА УЛЬЯ (см. Часть 2): The main advantage of the hive design is that the bee colony can independently function in the hive without any human assistance for a definitely long period of time, until the complete ageing of cells in the nest occurs. The living conditions of a bee colony in the hive are as close as possible to the natural conditions of its living in the wild, the development of the brood nest, which has the correct shape and size, occurs in the vertical direction. Due to the hive design we have the following advantages: the minimum number of hive maintenance operations with minimum costs; due to a sufficient volume of the brood nest for maximum laying of the queen bee and the cut boards we have separate honey and brood parts of the nest without the use of separation lattice, the use of which will later result in more different problems than advantages. In this design the queen bee moves freely only in a certain brood part of the nest and does not go up into the honey frames; no unrestricted horizontal expansion and narrowing of the brood nest; a beekeeper does not form a nest for the winter, only the bees form a nest for the winter themselves; no side walls and blocking boards; no interference in the brood nest. We always have 8 nest frames in the brood nest, with width 30 cm. and height 59 cm. and we never draw honey from these frames. We interfere in the brood nest in the early spring time only to replace the aged cells with the new ones; brood nest frames are like in the wild conditions - solid, they do not have connections and breaks like in the chamber structure, which later (not direct) also increase the chances of bees’ swarming; due to inter-chamber space the brood part of the nest does not get overfilled with worker-bees and young bees; no gradual placement of honey chambers. As soon as the first male-bees appear, we immediately put on top many honey chambers, possibly for the whole season; no risk to cool the brood nest part, and thus we can extract honey at any time of the year, even in winter; due to inter-chamber space during honey yield the honey part of the nest has extra ventilation, while this extra ventilation does not affect the brood part; no heat insulation for the winter or taking hives into a winter premise; ideal wintering without moisture, with toroidal ventilation between chambers providing heat economy; bees do not gather at flight board when hot; filling honey frames with nectar occurs from the bottom upwards, and not vice versa, as in other hives, from top to bottom; control of bee diseases occurs in natural ways and traditional methods, without the use of toxic chemicals; there are no Varroa mites, because the queen is isolated after honey collection; there are no wax mules and ants in the hive. All the above listed advantages create conditions to minimize the swarming of bees in this hive.

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