【ПОЛНАЯ ВЕРСИЯ】Любовь сквозь время🍒Суперзвезда последовала за принцессой обратно в древние времена

▶️全集播放:   • MULTISUB【紅豆生南國🍒Love Through Time】▶ EP...   🕛更新时间:8月26日12:00(GMT+8)起每日更新 🕛Schedule: Everyday at 12:00 (GMT+8) 【剧情介绍】 南国九公主“红豆”(林思意 饰)从小聪明成熟,苦读兵法谋略,隐藏才智避锋芒。后以雷霆手段上位,自封女帝。登基当晚,红豆穿越至现代,遇到大明星叶星(林泽辉 饰)。于是二人尝尽各种方式帮助红豆穿越回南国。当红豆回到南国后开始大力整顿国家,殊不知叶星也跟着穿越到了南国,成为了红豆的“男宠”。至此,欢喜冤家开始上演宫廷版的“斗智斗勇”。 【Synopsis】 The Southern Kingdom's Ninth Princess, known as "Red Bean," was exceptionally bright and mature from a young age. She diligently studied military strategy, concealing her intelligence and avoiding attention. Rising to power through decisive measures, she proclaimed herself Empress. On the night of her coronation, Red Bean crossed over to the modern world and encountered the famous actor, Ye Xing. Together, they explored various methods to help Red Bean return to the Southern Kingdom. Unbeknownst to Red Bean, upon her return, Ye Xing also crossed over to the Southern Kingdom, becoming her "male favorite." Thus, the bickering pair began a courtly version of "brain vs. brawn," showcasing their wit and courage. ▶欢迎订阅【森宇古装剧场】:    / @sentv-costume   #红豆生南国 #LoveThroughTime #古装剧 #森宇古装剧场 #林思意 #林泽辉 #ChineseDrama #costumedrama #甜宠 #古偶 #权谋 #悬疑 #爱情 #古装

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