Sega Saturn : AnEarth Fantasy Stories: The First Volume (JAP)

AnEarth Fantasy Stories: The First Volume (エイナスファンタジーストーリーズ ザ・ファーストボリューム) is a turn based RPG that was developed by MediaWorks/Hudson and published by MediaWorks in 1997 exclusively for the Japanese market. The game is an enchanced port of the PC Engine CD version. A baby lies on the snow outside of the church and several people pass by. The player can choose to press the action button, making the baby cry and attracting the attention of these people. Depending on the timing of this "baby action", the hero will be adopted by different people. The game features a really interesting gameplay. First of all, all the battles are pre-set, which mean there aren't random encounters. Then, theres not level up but instead your hero can gain better statistics depending on your actions during the battles. The game focus on exploration and thats why there are many (&complex) areas to search ~for items~ / explore.

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