22 Sorting Algorithms for the Alphabet on the Linux Console. Алгоритми сортування алфавіту на Python

00:02 pigeonhole sort 00:05 selection sort 00:07 cycle sort 00:10 quick sort 00:13 heap sort 00:16 comb sort 00:19 bubble sort 00:24 old even sort 00:29 gnome sort 00:34 tim sort 00:40 tree sort 00:45 insertion sort 00:52 cocktail sort 01:02 pancake sort 01:19 shell sort 01:26 library sort 01:34 slow sort 01:42 strand sort 01:50 merge sort 01:58 bucket sort 02:01 radix sort 02:05 counting sort 02:10 stooge sort

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