Quick Play - Return Fire [3DO]

Return Fire is a strange capture-the-flag style of game originally developed for the 3DO in 1995 by Silent Software. Roughly put, Return Fire is a game where the player selects one of four fighting vehicles (a tank, rocket launcher, helicopter or jeep) and must battle their way through walls, bases and gun turrets to capture the enemy's flag and bring it back to base. On early levels this is relatively easy, but as the game progresses the player is increasingly attacked by more and more enemies, including helicopters, and turret towers. Controls for this 3DO version take a little getting used to, as each vehicle controls differently than the others, and none of them control particularly smoothly. Still, this game can be pretty fun, and even offers multiplayer support. Another interesting point is the game's classical music soundtrack, which changes depending on the vehicle used. Ratings wise this game came out before the ESRB had formed, and so there is no official rating for the game. It does feature some blood when running over tents or shooting infantry, but this can be entirely avoided if so desired by the player. The game was popular enough to be ported to both windows and to the original PlayStation, as well as receive a sequel, Return Fire 2. An expansion pack was also released for the 3DO version entitled Return Fire: Maps 'O Death. As usual, this was recorded from the actual hardware. No emulation used.

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