Let's Play Rival Realms #1 | Introductory Mission 1: The Ways Of Magic

The war has begun! Rivals Realms is a real-time strategy game developed by Activ Pub Studios and published by Digital Integration Ltd., who around this time was acquired by Titus Interactive. The game was first released on December 4, 1998. The game takes place in a somewhat generic fantasy world not unlike that of WarCraft, and tells the story of the invasion of the human realms by the Greenskin Horde. The player plays either of these faction or, the third faction, the elves and their allies. Rival Realms features standard resource gathering and base building, but has a couple of fairly unique features. All units can be equipped with consumables such as health potion as well as magic items that grant permanent statistics boosts. These can change the power of a unit quite drastically, and together with a levelling system, give Rival Realms a bit of a role-playing game character. Additionally, units can be saved and transferred between missions. Rival Realms features one campaign for each of the factions for a total of thirty mission in addition to five introductory scenarios. The game received mixed to positive reviews.

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