Newton Vs The Horde

This is our entry for Microsoft's Dream Build Play 2010 Old Spice challenge. I get it. You want to smell like a man. Your lady wants her man to smell like a man, but you also want to smell fresh, and your lady wants her man to smell fresh. Well we at Old Spice have invented the solution. Man Freshness. Unfortunately this manly freshness was so potent that it attracted an invading army of smelly inter-dimensional monsters that strangely felt the need to stink up our world. So if you want to smell Man Fresh like explosions and kung fu, you need to help fight off these monsters so we can put our man fresh scents into production. Combine the awesome power of physics with the manly power of Old Spice. Build traps out of springs, explosives and gravity and get rid of those stinking monsters or youll end up smelling like mouldy fish and elephant butt. Squash them, impale them, blow them to pieces or overload them with freshness that only a man could handle. The fate of Man Freshness is in your hands and remember, if you think its too difficult, you need to get your Old Spice on and man up. Disclaimer: If you are a lady playing this game and wish to show your man how its done we fully appreciate your lady styled abilities and wed also appreciate you getting some Old Spice for your man so he can smell like a man and not be threatened by your ladylike awesomeness. How to win Now wed hope that as a man, or even as an awesome lady gamer you understand and appreciate the basics of physics. Things fall down. We call this gravity, unless they fall on us in which case we call it pain. Things roll, things swing from ropes, things even fly high into the sky when you apply explosive force, but most importantly things crash into other things in what we call impact trauma. We want to see lots of this on as many monsters as possible. Remember, Old Spice enhances manliness and awesomeness. Apply it to the dude, apply it to the computer, apply it to a bear or just throw it at a monster and laugh when he just cant handle the freshness. The ball is in your court, and so are some logs, a frozen octopus, some limes and an ice sculpture of my good self.

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