Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found Android/iOS Gameplay

Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found By HIKER GAMES. (Android/iOS/iPhone/iPad) Welcome back to the world made from the most horrifying nightmares of your childhood! The legendary Toy Odyssey is a Metroid - Castlevania style action platformer that stand out among numerous adventure games with a carefully crafted story, awesome soundtrack and hundreds of character customizations. What the critics said: “Most gamers can appreciate a throwback to the days of old 8 and 16-bit side-scrollers and Toy Odyssey is well worth it” ★★★★ - XboxAddict “Toy Odyssey overall is a fun and engaging experience.” ★★★★ - COGConnected “What Toy Odyssey does do is very well polished and extremely well done.” ★★★★ - GameGrin Join Brand - a toy action figure who has come to life - in his fighting against the darkness to save his owner, Felix. Nightmares are only the start of his troubles: Brand needs to uncover the secrets of the house before it's too late! When the night is falling, take part in the journey of exploration and combat chaos when facing the worst fears of your childhood’s bedtime stories and imagination. Before reaching the final boss, your toy hero need to conquer ultimates quests in each of the unique rooms and to save other toys in the battle against evil demonic toys and other creatures. Failure will lead to the end of the night and darkness would grow stronger. The goal is to accumulate enough resources to strengthen yourself and build up defenses in order to vanquish the evil that corrupted this house — all before it reaches you and Felix. ▶ Features: - A skillful mix of classic arcade RPG games with roguelike gameplay, with randomly-generated levels. - Hundreds of weapon and item upgrades -- crafted from everything you find around the house. - More than 300 type of enemies -- each with distinct behaviors, in keeping with the toys they once were. - 7 Terrifying Bosses in their own dreadful lairs. - Rescue friendly toy and gather material to build and defend your base. Toy Odyssey honors the experience of games from the ‘80s and ‘90s, without the 8-bit graphics and sound. The platformer gameplay mechanics are combined with a modern aesthetic that is still faithful to a "retro" look and feel. All the elements (characters, creatures, environments, objects, and music) come together to create a vivid picture reminiscent of the games many of us grew up playing. ►SHARE, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE!
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