Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer 2 • Sierra / Dynamix 1996

Sequel to the classic A-10 Tank Killer, Silent Thunder was released for Windows 3.x / 95 in 1996. It featured similar gameplay mechanics as the original but with fresh coat of paint. Using the same engine as Earthsiege 2, its flight modelling was very limited and arcadey. Nevertheless the gameplay was quick and fun and the music in form of Redbook Audio was awesome. It featured three, 8-mission long campaigns set in Colombia, Persian Gulf and Korea for a total of 24 combat missions. There was also one training mission teaching basic weapons usage. At the time the game was criticized for being too arcadey. PC Gamer wrote - "As an action game, Silent Thunder's all right: as a simulation, it's a bust." Despite simplified flight model, it was considered too difficult, due to missions being too daunting. In the end veterans were put off by its arcadey controls and beginners by its high difficulty level. If you wanted realistic Warthog fix, your best bet would be A-10 Cuba! 0:00 Intro & Credits 2:22 Main menu 2:50 Juke box - Lost Prophet 3:02 Vehicle preview 5:52 Starting campaign 6:36 Mission start - failed attempt 10:22 Mission start - succesfull attempt 18:20 Mission summary 18:39 Admiring animated background 19:27 Checking out on-line manual #RetroFlightSims

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