My Japanese Coach "Gameplay"

Better quality:    • My Japanese Coach "Gameplay"   This Nintendo DS software teaches you Japanese and you can use it as a dictionary too! I had to order it from since at the time I was looking for it, I didn't know of any stores in my area that sold it. Heck, it's not even listed on the Canadian Ubisoft site! I'm horrible at months, days of the week, and numbers as I've never really studied them before. :P It'd be completely different if I saw them in kana or kanji though. Well, except for the days of the week since although I know the kanji, I can't match them with the actual day. ^^; Also! The "game" actually doesn't teach the proper way to write certain characters. Case in point, as seen in the video, are "yo" and "na". I didn't correct "na" as I wasn't 100% sure at the time. ^^ It's been a while since I handwrote anything in Japanese. :/ The Hit-A-Word mini game is kind of wonky in that you're penalized for not having spiffy reflexes. :P Of course, in this case, part of the failing was due to the DS being on a stand (and everyone knows that the sensitivity of the touch screen goes down when the DS is in an almost upright position, right?!!?!?)

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