JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. Функції. Part1

Why we speak Ukrainian? Because : свечка-печка совок-веник лапти-валенки медведь-балалайка попы и молитвы НКВД и Гулаг Пушкин и дедыНаПалках So, lets going: Part 2.    • JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. Ф...   Part 3.    • JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. P...   Part 4.    • JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. P...   Part 5-1.    • JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. P...   JS Function. (part 2    • JavaScript без лаптей та балалайки. Ф...  ) I. Introduction 1. DRY principles, lady Ada Lovelace 2. SOLID principles and Coupling 3 Gof pattern 4. Select Function name (named function and anonymous function) 5. My example, Controllers, Vanilla JS and TS Different environment to processing JS. 6. Class always translated to Functions. TypeOf and Object.Propotype. 7 Way to translate TS translation to JS function. 8. JS based on functions, look to function in debugger 9. Global scope functions 10. Node function, Service worker functions, Browser function. List of global functions. 11. Detect environment by checking functions. Find source information about JS. 12. ECMA function definition 13. Mozilla function definition 14. Node, Typescript, Angular + canIuse 15. Compiler and Interpreter, Babel II. Basic features for beginners 16. Function hosting - interpreter first pass 17. Argument pass to function by value or by reference 18. Function expression (expression return value, expression vs operation) 19. Determining whether a function exists, reference to function and call function. 20. Type coercion 21. Strict/nostrict mode 22. Callback function, event handler functions, synthetic events functions 23. Recursion 24. Call function by named expression (call function inside object by label) 25. Function arguments object 26. This context 27. Function can apply to any array elements, pass function reference as parameter 28. Rest parameters ... 29. Default parameter 30. Arrow function (no this), arrow - syntax 31. Function is object methods 32. Get/Set function in object 33. getOwnPropertyDescriptor 34. Dynamically add function to Object 35. IIFE 36. Function() 37. New.Target 38. Runtime eval III. Function for professional Iterator and Generator 39. Iterator function - function* 40. Generator function expression 41. AsyncGeneratorFunction() constructor Function inheritance 42. Function inheritance. 43. The function with custom prototype Function scope, Closure 44. Function scope way to hell - functions inside functions (Nested functions and closures). 45. Name conflict inside Closure 46. Define function scope with Call, Bind, Apply IIII.Async programming 47. async function - async computer_programming

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