Rock Manager - Mission 3: Hey Princess - Walkthrough Gameplay PC

You can support me here: Rock Manager - Mission 3: Hey Princess - Walkthrough Gameplay PC "Sergey's daughter wants to be a star. Are you the right person for the job?" * Hire Musicians for Nadia's BAnd * Get a Song License * Release Record * Get 45% Hype * Get Nadia on TV Ah yes! The classic Daddy's little girl gets what she wants! This is actually quiet easier than mission 2 if you know what to do ofcourse! First we need some musicians, so go and hire the best of the Genre that Nadia has. Now, before you actually record a song we have to give Nadia some music lessons(Trust me, you dont wanna hear her sing without them!) Give Nadia 3 lessons in music and 1 in Media training. Once she is back, buy a song and record your album. Now, by this time, Nadia should be causing trouble with one of the band members because he/she is very happy. If this happens just click on her picture and give her a gift. Go for the games console. Ok, lets see now! Band? Check! Song? Check! Ok, we have to try and get a company to buy our record! Always, and i mean ALWAYS, go for Global Records first as they give more cash! If they dont accept then try Rainbow Records, North Star Records or Rebel Records in that order. When thats all said and done, make a sleeve design and set a release date for the Record. As before, you should try to release the record about 2 or 3 weeks from the current date in the game. Once that is done, go to Radio FM, Zer0 Magazine and City News and give them all a copy of the record. While doing this, give them a gift too. Give Radio FM some flowers and then a meal, then give Zer0 Magazine some liquors and Hockey Tickets. DO NOT give anything to the guy at City News as he will consider it blackmail and give you a bad review! Now, arrange 2 gigs and then go to the Record Store. There you should use the option to give a discount to the shop and have it start on the day of the release of your record. Now, after your 2 gigs, go to TV24 and give the man there some Hockey tickets. Head over to Sergey and use his option to influence your sales. Organise a scandal for publicity, get some fake fans to cheer up the band, arrange a street promotion and then fix the sales chart. If any problems arise within the band, just give them all beer or some cheap gifts. try to keep a steady flow of cash by arranging more gigs whenever possible. By this time, you should have the record released. Use some of your hard earned cash to advertise on Radio FM and Zer0 Magazine. This is going to be very expensive so what you should do is bring the days down to just 1 or 2 days of advertising, depending on the cash you have. Earn some more cash and then shoot a video at Herkules Studios. Choose the miniture characters video. Once the video is done, head over to TV24 and give it to the man there. Now just sit back and relax. Try to arrange as many gigs as possible but remember to keep everyone happy with some gifts.

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