Frederik Pohl's Gateway 'PART-2 (PC/DOS) 1992, Legend Entertainment

Frederik Pohl's Gateway - Part 2: Other Worlds and Part 3: End Game - Walkthrough (Legend Entertainment company) 1992 - Roland MT-32 midi soundtrack -- Offering adventure in a world of interactive fiction with graphics, puzzle-solving, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title, Frederik Pohl's Gateway is an abandonware developed by Legend Entertainment Company and published by Legend Entertainment Company. Released in 1992, you wander around in a perspective. One of the best sci-fi games I've ever played, this game follows Pohl's classic: you play a "prospector" - one of the brave souls who volunteer to pilot alien crafts to unknown destinations, hoping to find valuable artifacts. As with other early Legend releases, the interface is excellent. I can't find fault with this game except that it seems a bit short. The plot is first-rate and puzzles challenging throughout. (the "Virtual Reality"-based puzzles are some of best puzzles ever designed for an adventure game, bar none). And best of all, Legend released the game as freeware a few years ago to promote Gateway 2: Homeworld. Two thumbs up! Review By HOTUD

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