はるのあしおと (Haru no Ashioto) Opening Movie (English Localization)

This is the opening movie to the 2004 novel game by minori, "はるのあしおと", transliterated to "Haru no Ashioto" and translated to "The Footsteps of Spring". It is the game that minori released after "Wind ~A Breath of Heart~" and it is perhaps most significant in that it was one of the last opening movies that Makoto Shinkai did as a member of minori, before finding his fame as an independent anime creator. Those fans of Mr. Shinkai's work will find that his stylistic touches abound in this opening movie. From the novel game localization historical standpoint, this was the last project that insani did as a part of the pioneering novel game localization group, No Name Losers. We jointly released an English localization of the demo of this game, which included this opening movie. All of the subtitling, timing, and localization visual effects for this opening movie were done by the guy who headed up No Name Losers, GipFace. The opening theme song is "春 -feel coming spring-", composed by Tenmon (who still does most of the music composition for Makoto Shinkai films), lyrics written by nbkz Sakai (the founder and lead scenario writer of minori), and sung by Hitomi Harada. Hitomi Harada got her start in the novel game industry with minori, and she has gone on to a very successful career as a vocal artist and voice actress for the mainstream anime industry. Indeed, that was the pattern for many aspiring vocal artists and voice actresses of the mid-2000s -- many now-famous figures got their start in the novel game industry.

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