Sonic Drift 2 Game Gear All Stages 2 player Netplay 60fps

Best viewed in 60 fps. I'm player 1 and MrMario is player 2.
Note that the audio isn't perfect, especially on 3 of the stages. Stage selection is a little slow between some later stages, but there are timestamps. Title 00:00 Emerald Hill1 00:28 Dark Valley2 2:39 Death Egg 4:48 Mystic Cave 6:53 Hill Top1 9:30 Casino Night 11:27 Emerald Hill1 rematch 13:37 Dark Valley2 rematch 15:57 Death Egg rematch18:06 Mystic Cave rematch 20:05 Hill Top1 rematch 22:39 Casino Night rematch 24:42 Desert Road1 26:38 Iron Ruin 29:01 Desert Road2 31:05 Rainy Savanna 33:10 Ice Cap 35:20 Hill Top2 37:54 Emerald Hill2 39:56 Dark Valley2 rematch 42:10 Quake Cave 42:22 Balloon Panic 46:57 Emerald Ocean 49:19 Milky Way 52:05 Death Egg rematch 54:00

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