Tutorial | Beginner Guide [LVL1-105] | Shakes & Fidget

Not having a hobby is part of my everyday life. If you like me, that's your first mistake One day while walking around my hometown, I was called a shit. That was the greatest compliment I've ever received. incase you're wondering, I'm a native German speaker, don't be afraid of my beautiful pronunciation, this Guide is for SFGAME Noobs for the Most Basic Shit to easy understand ! LVL 0-10 0:00 LVL 25 1:57 LVL 50 2:20 LVL 66 2:42 LVL 75 3:12 LVL 85 4:05 LVL 99 4:12 LVL 100 4:22 LVL 105 4:40

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