Mount & Blade II Bannerlord | Realm of Thrones | unsullied | Как нанять безупречных. Обзор юнитов.

ENG # Many are faced with such a problem that they cannot find an NPC who trades flawlessly. For many, it appears immediately in the city of ASTAPOR, but for some it simply does not exist. How did I manage to find this NPC? I've been trying to find him in the city for a long time. but all my efforts were not successful. It was only after capturing the settlement and appropriating it to myself that I was able to find it. You can contact him when you are the owner of the city. 1. You need to capture the city of Astapor. 2. You need to find him in the city. He has maximum athleticism and moves very quickly around the city. (In the video you can see how he looks and his route passes through the city center) The mod developer did not mock the players and after the first meeting with him, you can always use a quick move to him from the city menu. 3. He sells 50 units at once for 50,000 dinars.

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