Worst Racing Game I've Ever Played! - Team Hot Wheels Baja

I don't play awful video games that come with a box of cereals, but when I do... it's worse than I could have imagined. We have to agree that Hot Wheels makes the best tiny cars in the world. Amongst my little awesome collection, I myself am a proud owner of the A-Team van and two DeLoreans, the original and the one from Back to the Future movies. But when it comes to video games, I don't know who made this crap, but it's the worst racing experience you may come across digitally. And it has two more brothers that I dared not touch: Team Hot Wheels Drift and Team Hot Wheels Motor X. Now I may be wrong and this might not be THE worst. So I challenge you to show me something worse than this if you can. Yes, flash games do count.

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