Call of Duty - Mission #18 - Pavlov's House (Soviet Campaign)

Mission #19:    • Call of Duty - Mission #19 - The Tank...   CoD Playlist:    • Call of Duty - Walkthrough   CoD Walkthrough - Mission #18 - Pavlov's House (Soviet Campaign) • Soldier: Junior Sgt. Alexei Ivanovich Voronin (13th Guards Rifle Division) • Message: Congratulations on your promotion to Junior Sergeant, Alexei Ivanovich. I need every sniper I can get! This morning, the Germans recaptured a four-story apartment building near the gristmill on Penzenskaia Street. This is an important building, Alexei! From this building, it is possible to see very far in all directions and to direct artillery fire much more accurately. In order to retake it, I sent some men on a reconnaissance mission over four hours ago, but I have not heard back from this squad since. I want you to go there and find out what the situation is. Support their actions if you find them. Otherwise, return at once and report to the command post. German sniper activity on the surface route is reported to be very high today, so I suggest you take the sewers instead. Major V. S. Zubov, 13th Guards Division • Current location: Near Penzenskaia Street, Stalingrad • Date & time: November 9, 1942; Afternoon • Mission Objectives: - Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad. - Eliminate the snipers. - Get across the field. - Retake the apartment building. - Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor. - Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to destroy the tank. - Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to destroy the tank. - Hold the building until relieved by friendly units. - Clear the area of any remaining enemy forces. - Assemble with the reinforcements out front. Used device: Keyboard Recording Software: Fraps Video Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 11

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