ӨӨ ИХ ЭЗЭНИЙ НЭРИЙГ МАГТАЦГААЯ & ЭЗЭН ЁХОВАГИЙН СҮР ХҮЧ | O Praise The Name[Mongolian] - That's Worship That's Worship үйлчлэл нь Монголын анхны магтан дууны сет-ийг та бүхэнд толилуулж байгаадаа маш их баяртай байна. Хаанчлалын эрхэм анд Тэмка, Бэкү нартайгаа хамтран энэхүү хүчирхэг магтаалын дуунуудыг бичүүлж монгол ахан дүүсдээ үйлчлэхийн тулд бид зүрх сэтгэлээ нэгтгэсэн билээ.  We are honoured to bring you our first That's Worship Mongolian worship set. In partnership with our Kingdom friends Temka and Beku, we align our hearts and hands to serve our Mongolian-speaking brothers and sisters through the production of this worship set. May you be blessed as you open your hearts and hands to worship our great God. Магтаалын дуунууд [Worship Set List] ӨӨ ИХ ЭЗЭНИЙ НЭРИЙГ МАГТАЦГААЯ | O Praise The Name [Anástasis] By: Hillsong Worship ЭЗЭН ЁХОВАГИЙН СҮР ХҮЧ | Great Is The Lord By: Steve McEwan ЗӨВХӨН ЕСҮС | In Christ Alone By: Donald Koch & Andrew Shawn Craig That's Worship нь Христийн биеийг магтаалаар дамжуулан хүчирхэгжүүлэхийг зорьдог бөгөөд энэхүү ковер нь Монгол чуулганд ерөөл болно гэдэгт бид итгэлтэй байна. Манай баг үүнийг бүтээх явцад ивээгдсэн шиг сонсож буй та ч бас ивээгдэх болтугай гэж бид залбирч байна. That's Worship endeavours to empower the body of Christ through worship, and we believe that providing a resource like this will be a blessing to the Mongolian Church. We pray that this will bless you as much as it has blessed us producing it. Та юу хийж чадах вэ?  1.⁠ ⁠Энэхүү бичлэгийг 3 найзтайгаа хуваалцаарай.   2.⁠ ⁠Өөрийн сүм чуулганыхандаа хуваалцаарай.   3.⁠ ⁠Монгол чуулган Есүс Христийн сүйт бүсгүй болж босохын төлөө залбираарай.  What can you do?  1.⁠ ⁠Send this video to 3 Mongolian friends  2.⁠ ⁠Encourage your Mongolian church community to introduce this song  3.⁠ ⁠Pray for the Church in Mongolia to arise in her destiny as the bride of Jesus Christ _ _ _ That's Worship is a collective of friends from local churches in Singapore, united in our love for Jesus and all things worship. We create short worship sets for believers of the Christian faith looking to connect with God. We hope these sets, prayerfully and intentionally curated will allow Christians to have an authentic, personal and uninterrupted connection to God in small groups or personal time wherever they are. Get connected: Instagram -   / thatsworship   Facebook -   / thatsworship   Website -
_ _ _ A big thank you and blessings to our team Producers Joshua Ow Yong, Joshua Poh, Michelle Kwok Worship Band Vocalists: Telmen Tungalagsaikhan, Bilguunzaya Dashdavaa Acoustic guitarists: Zachary Lee, Telmen Tungalagsaikhan Electric guitarist: Tony Clayton Chong Keyboardist: Michelle Kwok Bassist: Poh Yu Khing Drummer: Johannes Tan AP - Jinwee Ong DP - David Liu Cam Ops Evan Ang Cavan Tan Jowell Chee Lighting Technician - Claudia Lim Audio Assistant Elliot Ng Production Assistant Winfred Lim BTS - Chew Ziling Editor - Xu Weishan (Esther) Audio Mix and Master Joshua Poh Public Relations - Gerard Lee Equipment sponsor - Collective Studio Thank you to Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church for the use of their venue #thatsworship #worshipmusic

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