Racing Simulation 2 - Monaco Grand Prix Online (1/??) | Redream | 1440p | Ryzen 7 5800H | RTX 3070
And one interesting racing simulator for Sega's Dreamcast. Graphically speaking, it's no looker, doesn't push a whole lot of poly's per second, and some stages look way better than others. Doesn't really push the system in any way, but it's pretty and charming on its own. Interestingly enough, Gran Prix Online makes use of a neat texturing technique called "detail textures", which covers the regular low resolution ones in tiny squares of densely detailed transparent black/white textures. Not sure if one can tell, due to the loss video detail after uploading... but in the game; All that dirt, gravel, grass and road pavement... man, that's a whole lot of pixels. Skybox is rocking some 3D clouds and that is a sight to behold, there's a load of cars on screen so that's cool; Formula 1 vehicles are decently modeled, but ain't nothing too spectacular; ...but wait; Shadows! What about them? Well, they aren't simple static blocks under the cars; This is barely noticeable, but they react slightly to sun light, and that's a bonus.