Надежда Обухова Сомнение/N.Obukhova M.Glinka Romance

Надежда Обухова.Сомнение (М.Глинка - Н.Кукольник). Концерт из Большого зала Московской консерватории, 1947 г. Nadeshda Obukhova. Somnenije (Doubt). Old Russian Romance. (M.Glinka - N.Kukolnik). Concert recording from the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, 1947. Doubt Be stopped, restlesness of passion! Fall asleep, hopeless heart! I weep, I suffer, The soul is tired of separation; I suffer, I weep, Not to sob the grief into tears. In vain hope to me happiness looks, I do not believe, I do not believe insidious vows! Separation takes away love. Like a sleep persistent and terrible, I dream of my happy rival, And secretly and maliciously boiling jealousy blazes, And secretly and maliciously my hand searches for a weapon. In vain jealousy brings treason to me, I do not believe, I do not believe the insidious slander. I am happy: you are mine again. Sadly the time passes, we again embrace each other, And passionately and hotly my happy heart throbs again, And passionately and hotly our lips melt together. Thanks to The Lied and Art Song Texts Page for the translation.

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