PSX Longplay #76: The Raiden Project ( Raiden II )

Raiden II (雷電II Raiden Tsū) is a 1993 vertical scrolling shooter arcade game that was developed by Seibu Kaihatsu. It was the second game in the Raiden series of vertical scrolling shooter arcade games that started with Raiden. Originally for arcades,it was soon released for the Windows 98 and PlayStation. This game expanded on the original formula with enhanced graphics and two new weapons - the Plasma Beam, which can lock onto targets but does damage slowly; and the Cluster Bomb, which does less damage than regular bombs but strikes a larger area. There are eight missions in the game, with bosses (unofficially) called Death Walkers, Ichneumon, Shadow Submarine, Fort Cyclops, Dread Bomber, Manticore, Whisper and Cranassian Headquarters.

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