【ПОЛНЫЙ】"Моя Принцесса":✨Aктриса путешествует во времени чтобы выйти замуж за принца и завоевать его

▶️第2季全集:   • 全集 | 冷面王爺助戲精王妃🔥絕地反擊,重燃愛火再起風浪💚他超愛!【戲精王...   🕗Schedule: Everyday at 12:00 (GMT+8) 【剧情介绍】 为人冷酷、能力强大的景王爷与心思单纯的永安侯府嫡女先婚后爱! 话剧演员赵韶欢一朝被雷劈,醒来后发现自己穿越到了古代,还要嫁给素未谋面的王爷南宫景!更屈辱的是,她竟要与一只公鸡拜堂!当永安侯府嫡女不再痴傻,她该如何为自己讨回公道?成为戏精王妃的她发挥长处变身话本先生,“罗密欧与朱丽叶”、“雷雨”一经上演,满堂喝彩,戏班从此爆火、起死回生。戏精王妃与冷酷王爷之间也重燃爱火,成为人人艳羡的一对人生赢家! 【Synopsis】 A cold and powerful prince falls in love with a simple-minded daughter of a marquis after marriage! Theater actress Zhao Shaohuan is struck by lightning one day, only to wake up finding herself time-traveled to ancient times where she is to marry the prince, Nangong Jing, whom she has never met before! To add to the humiliation, she must perform a marriage ceremony with a rooster! As the legitimate daughter of the Marquis Yong'an is no longer naive, how will she fight for justice? Embracing her talent, she transforms into a theatrical master, staging performances like "Romeo and Juliet" and "Thunderstorm" to great acclaim. The theatrical master and the cold prince rekindle their love, becoming envied winners in life! ▶欢迎订阅【森宇古装剧场】:    / @sentv-costume   #戏精王妃养成计 #StartActing!MyPrincess 戏精自救攻略 #HerLoveBeyondTime #森宇古装剧场 #大陆电视剧 #古装剧 #ChineseDrama #costumedrama #爱情 #悬疑 #甜宠

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