Swords and Serpents Video Walkthrough

This is a video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc of the NES game Swords and Serpents. Before I get into the nitty gritty, I thought I'd explain why I named the characters the way I did. The first person is obviously named after yours truly. The second is named after a friend of mine. The third is named after someone here on YouTube who has been commenting on my videos usually a bit after they get uploaded (so let's see if this person notices...) And the fourth is named after a very good friend of a friend of mine who passed away awhile ago. Obviously the last two characters' names had to be cut down a wee bit since there wasn't enough space to actually spell the whole thing out. Anyways....If you're going to play this, keep in mind button mashing on the attack button is a good thing, unless you want to cast a spell during battle, in which case you'll have to make sure that a wizard is selected first... While it looked like the final boss went down fairly easily, I want to say normally you should be a few levels higher than I was. I don't think crystalize did anything. I'm not sure why I had cast it. Of course, it seemed like after casting it the dragon went down rather easily, so perhaps there was something to it. There are some points where I grind. You'll notice them when the screen fades out and then back in. During this time I'm simply grinding for extra levels or better EQ.

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