Tomato Adventure Playthrough Part 2

In this video, we make our way to the first Super Kid.... except we can't due to bodyguards. We need a gift that will impress her! Our goal is to get a Bell Mush, a special type of mushroom that is known to make whoever eats it beautiful. We need some water from the hot spring, but unfortunately, the water's backed up. After fighting some enemies, we find a machine called the "Tomato Robo". After defeating it, we meet its pilot, Alyssa. She originally built this mech to impress Abiira. Since it's totaled though, Alyssa joins us (without our consent)! Returning the water back to the springs, we grow a Bell Mush and come face to face with the first Super Kid, Whoops. Whoops wants to make a kid soup that will give her smooth skin.... yeah, it's something alright. Anyways, we whoop Whoops and get our hands on the Screw, our first piece of six!

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