Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light Playthrough

Blurb: 'Brave Giant proudly presents the latest from the Demon Hunter series. As a promising young demon hunter, you are prepared to take on adversaries from the underworld, but when an ancient Egyptian artifact shows up on your doorstep heralding the return of Seth, a demon scourge as old as evil itself, you find yourself facing the most dangerous challenge imaginable. The encroaching darkness threatens to swallow all light spanning time itself! Can a mere mortal really hope to contend with such power? Find out in Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light!' If you'd like to play this game or one like it you can find it on
or Steam or you can go to
where you can pay a monthly fee to play any of their possibly hundreds of games available on their site...the only catch is you have to play it through their website which means an always on internet connection and if you cancel your membership you can't play it any more outside the demo 1 hour.

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