Energy Airforce Aim Strike! Intro, Scenario 1 | 1-A CAP

This is not well known game for PS2 - Energy Airforce: aimStrike! Developed by Taito Corporation, who published the game in 2003 in Japan and later in Europe by 505 Game Street. AFAIK there was no US release. It's second game in the series, which ended on XBOX360 with Over G Fighters. I consider this one as a most solid in the series as it focused on realistic missions in a single large theater of operations. The "campaign" took place over big map (around 500x400 km). There were no respawns of munitions known from Ace Combat games. The cockpit was realistically rendered and considering limited control options (game pad), the controls were really well thought out. Avionics were also pretty realistic - for instance you could use CCIP or CCRP mode for unguided bombs delivery (which will be shown in my future videos). There is also Trainng which you can use to practise landings and using your guns, missiles and bombs. On top of that there is a simple mission builder - Strike mode, where you can select mission parameters - select a map (here you can find several smaller maps found in first Energy Airforce) choose enemy units and start hunting. I wish Over G Fighters was extension of EA:AS! But they went backward and did first Energy Airforce with more planes and Arena mode. Think of flying all those planes from OVG in realistic missions like in aimStrike! But lets get back to the meat - in our first mission we are taking F-16C Falcon for a CAP. Looking back at this game only shows how much detail was crammed into it. For instance notice that when you sit in your Viper on the apron with your throttle at idle static friction prevents your loaded aircraft from moving. Nudge that throttle forward a bit to overcome the static friction and when the jet begins to move you can put that throttle back to idle and the taxi speed will gradually increase. We saw that modelled in Falcon 4.0 when the BMS 4.32 was released in 2012. This was already here and IIRC even in first Energy Airforce from 2001!

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