Animal Friends Adventure Playthrough: Level 1-2

Thank you all for watching this video. It was incredibly enjoyable to make the video and the Game! I hope you have many hours playing all of Super Panda's Adventures. Making these videos was far too long coming. Post release I was busy with other projects. It also gave me time to really think of a "director's commentary". These games are really special to me. They were the first major releases of video games and published on major platforms. That's a massive step for a small 1 person game studio! It's my goal to grow and hire more developers and artists to really make some incredible games. I don't believe in microtransactions. I also feel DLC should be a huge value add. So we will not release any DLC until it's substantial. Find about more about these incredible animal friends at their jungle home!
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Animal Friends Adventure on Microsoft Xbox One!
Super Panda on The Nintendo Switch
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