Shadowgate Classic (Game Boy Color) - Longplay - No Commentary

This is my longplay of Shadowgate Classic for the Game Boy Color played on an Analogue Pocket with an Everdrive-GB X7. This is one of those games that I owned back when I originally had a Game Boy Color. It's a pretty fantastic port of Shadowgate and looks really good on actual hardware. The graphics were slightly reworked in one or two areas to make things more obviously visible, like the door in the back of the EPOR room. I'm not a super big fan of the way they made the screen automatically jump down to the inventory any time you pick something up, it's kind of jarring to watch. In the playthrough, I mostly let the text run through at the default pace so it's comfortable to read, and I try to do at least a little looking around for some of the flavor text. I also decided to show a few of the more interesting deaths in the game.

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