The Forbidden Book | Trailer | Brian Barkley | Craig Lampe | Jim Birdsall

Meet John Wycliffe, the first person to translate the Bible into English… and see his church, which is still offering Sunday services today, as it has since the 1300’s. Look at the door where Martin Luther, the first person to print the Bible in German, nailed his 95 Theses, starting the Protestant Reformation. See William Tyndale’s illegal printing shop, which is a book store today, and find out why Tyndale was executed for being the first person to print the scriptures in English. Find out about the 1535 first complete printed English Bible of Myles Coverdale, the 1537 Matthews Bible, and King Henry the Eighth’s 1539 “Great Bible” …the first legal English Bible. Learn why the Bible of the Protestant Reformation, the 1560 English Geneva Bible, had to be printed in Switzerland due to the reign of Queen “Bloody” Mary. See how the 1568 Bishops Bible was revised to become the 1611 King James Bible, and how the King James version slowly replaced the much more popular Geneva Bible among early American Colonists. Director: Brian Barkley Writer: Craig Lampe Starring: Craig Lampe, Jim Birdsall

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