114 SP2 - Некомпетентная вражеская команда - World of Tanks

Game Statistics: Map: Pilsen Tank: 114 SP2 Player: Angel_In_The_Night [HIMAR] Damage: 10734 Damage blocked by armor: 880 The 114 SP2 is a Chinese tier 10 premium tank destroyer. A proposed project for a heavy tank destroyer based on parts and components from the Soviet T-10 heavy tank and elements from the experimental WZ-111 heavy tank. An armored cabin was developed for a 152 mm gun. The distinctive feature of the vehicle was the ability to rotate its turret 360 degrees. Existed only in blueprints. Send your wot replays at: woftanksreplays(@)gmail.com - I accept the replays sent as a mail attachment that has not been uploaded to the wotreplays website. You will upload it to the wotreplays website, i accept the replays only link from privately (secret) uploaded wotreplays website (Make available by direct link only)

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