Xak 3 - The eternal recurrence. The game that never was on MSX2 - Part 1

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Music from Gyabuneko, on FMPAC (thanks for this wonderfull compositions). I made this video to show how can be Xak III on MSX2, if the game was made on assembler language, the MSX2 can fill the screen at 10 frames per second. Then the game is: - On Screen 5 All the non face parts are on this mode, no more than 16 colors at once. - 4x4 pixels scroll (if the game is well optimized and code on ASM) - Interrupt to change the 16 color palette on faces part (one up and other down) 32 colors at once. - Maybe on a 6Mhz MSX2. - 128k of ram? maybe.

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