Relaxing Music by Moshe P. Weisblum 癒しの音楽 治療音楽 Расслабляющая терапевтическая музыка

This therapeutic music with mystical vibes gives voice to the symphony of creation, opening the listener up to the beauty of the natural world. The notes played in slow and melodic tones bring together various philosophical traditions. East meets West in this harmonious musical expression, engendering healing, tranquility, unity and peace. Some of the instruments used are the guzheng, erhu, dizi, pipa, guqin, hulusi, suona, xiao, guitar, contrabass, chime and bianzhong. The images depicted, coupled with beautiful harmonies, are meant to refresh and delight the soul and allude to the eternal afterlife that awaits us all. The bodies of water featured, enchanting and continuously flowing, mirror the music being played. The feeling that comes over the viewer while watching is one of transcendent holiness; he almost feels like he is being made privy to the sublime. Nature always has something to teach us, or hidden secrets to reveal. We may even think of it as a kind of poetic muse, as we gaze upon the elements of creation while looking inside ourselves. In this video, life giving water operates alongside the hush of nature’s spoken sounds. The bubbling and roaring of the waves call us to attention and instigate change. They cause us to remember that the world is always in process, moving, developing, and flowering, much like the human being. This video will make the viewer feel more attuned, more aligned, and more at peace with himself. The final minutes will leave him in awe, and with a sense of wonder at what was produced by a master musician and photomontage artist, all for the love of nature and the divine order that exists within the world. Расслабляющая терапевтическая музыка Расслабляющая музыка Glow Unity. Терапевтическая музыка с мистическими вибрациями озвучивает симфонию творчества, открывая слушателю красоту мира. Восток встречается с Западом в этом гармоничном музыкальном выражении, порождающем исцеление, спокойствие, единство и покой. リラックスできる音楽睡眠用bgm・5分で寝落ち癒しの音楽 治療音楽 Розслаблююча музика Glow Unity. Лікувальна музика з містичними вібраціями озвучує симфонію творіння, відкриваючи слухачеві красу світу. Схід зустрічається із заходом у цьому гармонійному музичному вираженні, породжуючи зцілення, спокій, єдність і мир.

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