King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice (1995, SNES/SFC Gameplay 2022)

King Arthur & The Knights of Justice is an Action Adventure RPG for the Super Nintendo/Famicom, released in 1995. The game was Developed by Manley & Associates, and Published by Enix. STORY: 15/20 You are part of a pro Football Team in America, suddenly whisked off to old England, more specifically.. Arthur's time. Merlin has called you there because you and your team mates are the only people who can save King Arthur and the Knights of The Round Table. They have all been imprisoned by the evil Morgana and she's taken over the realm. You are tasked with defeating her minions who hold keys that have the power to send you back home. So free the realm, save the Knights and King Arthur and win your ticket back home. GRAPHICS: 16/20 The graphics are pretty cartoony but I have seen better done on the system, everything looks like how it should so no difficulty in trying to tell what something is. Your Characters look great, monsters look great, even locations look great. The menu designs for each character looks nice but the menu that has the four options in not so much. The game is accompanied by a very nice beginning sequence and some small scenes throughout the game, such as entering Camelot. SOUND: 15/20 The game's OST is okay, some tracks do get repeated in other locations but for me personally it wasn't annoying. The whole track list sounds very adventurous whilst some has an ominous overtone for when exploring dungeons and fighting bosses. The game's Sound Effects are okay but they do get old pretty quick though which is a minus, I think some people will definitely turn these off if they can. GAMEPLAY: 12/20 The gameplay is pretty simple, do what Merlin asks, hunt for items, trade some items with NPCs, get to a boss location kill it for a key. You can (and will need to) swap characters in your party, they will all have their own unique set of skills, and certain characters can only pick up their own key. Monsters have limited attack animations, sometimes you cant even tell if they are hitting you or not. Your sword swipes are flimsy at best unless you charge your attack up to max, then it'll kill in 1 hit most of the time. You have access to a map that can be used to teleport back to Camelot if you get in trouble, BUT.. this can only be used outside of dungeons. The gameplay IS pretty simplistic over all. Your party members are controlled by AI, a bloody awful AI it is too, they will tend to walk off and leave you, or just stand there when you're surrounded by the enemy, I mean this game's AI is even worse than Secret of Mana's AI, seriously. SYSTEMS: 14/20 Not much in way of systems, the main one being the Password system over a save system, odd choice to go with for an RPG but well.. it works at least. A trade item system of sorts, NPC's ask for specific items you go get it and give it to them.. these tend to have to be completed so you can progress in the story, which sucks.. it's basically forcing you to do EVERYTHING! The menu system is pretty basic but functional, and character info screens look nice and informative for the style of the game. OVER ALL: 72/100 It's not a bad game, but it's certainly one you could miss out on if there's better available to you. Do I recommend it now..? If you must play all SNES/SFC Rpgs then yeah sure, I enjoyed it for what it it is but that's not to say that I didn't get frustrated at points with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you played this game? What did you think? Let me know in the comments. Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe to my Channel guys!! Like what you watched? Why not buy me a coffee..?

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